kelly & barratt Ltd
the Art of samples
est. 1905
0113 2311322
a brief history

Owners and directors-
KELLY started up the company in 1905, at that time it was trading as a small commercial printing business.
Between the wars BARRATT joined him, together on the 16th of December 1932 a limited company was establised.
James Cardno purchased the company from Barratt in 1967. Prior to the purchase he was a chief accountant at printers John Waddintons. Also moving from Waddintons was Colin Harris, who was later to become managing director at K&B.
In '69 John Ellis joined the company becoming a director in 1970.
With Colins retirement John became the managing director, retiring in 2008, still holding office as chairman.
Paul Ellis joined in 1999 and remains in charge of the business.
Trade and custom-
In the early days the company derived its income from commercial printing serving the Rag trade in and around Leeds.
During the 2nd WW K&B was involved in the assembly of war kit .
After the war the company manufactured pattern sample books for the rag trade and did so until the virtual collapse of the industry, as the 2 & 3 piece suit fell out of favour in the early 70's.
Carpet flooring shade cards and swatches then became the main source of income, with the later addition of print finishing, vinyl samples and design boards remaining so to this day.